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The concept and history of GPS: The official name is NAVSTAR GPS which stands for Navigation Satellite Timing and Ranging Global Positioning System. Design of the United States' extensive 24-satellite system (now 31) was authorized in 1973 and the first satellite was launched in 1978. All thirty one NAVSTAR GPS satellites orbit 12,457 miles above Earth.
The “satellite constellation” transmits signals to Digital Signal GPS receivers telling the receivers their location, speed, and direction among other details, and depending on the programming of our receiver. In the NAVSTAR scheme, any point on Earth is in view of several satellites at all times so bearings can be computed instantaneously whenever desired. The information sent to our Digital Signal GPS receiver is then, in the BHPH industry, accessed using our interface http://www.digitalsignal.com/gps. In addition to helping with repossessions, there are several other benefits for BHPH SUBPRIME dealers. One important benefit is that our GPS devices are re-usable. The BHPH SUBPRIME dealer can choose to re-install our Digital Signal GPS device in another vehicle. BHPH SUBPRIME dealers can locate the vehicle any time using our Digital Signal GPS website control panel http://www.digitalsignal.com/gps. Another benefit is that reductions on insurance may be available for BHPH SUBPRIME dealers installing our devices on vehicles. Delinquency management is critical to the BHPH SUBPRIME market and collections can become more important than sales. Our Digital Signal GPS device can save a BHPH SUBPRIME dealer considerable time and money on collections by locating the vehicle and in some cases disabling the starter. The Digital Signal GPS devices help to create a better consumer/lender relationship from the beginning. The consumer is receiving a better vehicle for a lower rate, and the BHPH SUBPRIME lender can be assured that they will be paid on schedule.
GPS was developed by the United States Department of Defense. Although the satellite constellation is maintained, managed, and created by the Department of Defense, it is free to civilians.
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